Why Choose UFM?

We take pride in being the fastest growing manufacturer and supplier of high-quality, budget-friendly school uniforms. Our aim is to ensure that parents and schools spend as less time as possible when they are looking for comfortable school uniforms.

Huge Selection
Great Prices
Amazing Customer Service
Free Estimates
Great Quality
No Setup Fee


Most of our products are shipped within 2-3 business days. Incase the products out of stock, kindly call us to know the backorder timings.

Yes, you can place an order over the phone. We will be happy to help with the sizing and fittings. We can be reached at 647 992 1155

Our products are available year-round through this online store and retail location.

Most of our clothing is machine washable. PleaseĀ  note thatĀ  clothes that are made of fleece may shrink,we recommend washing in cold water and hanging the pieces to dry, or if tumble drying use a low setting.

We recommend you to book a time slot before coming. This will help you save your time. Alternatively, if you are unable to make it to the store, families can also shop for their uniform online.
